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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Ontario’s Latest Long Term Care Legislation an Important Step for the Future of the Sector

Cambridge, ON—The Ontario government’s announcement of legislation to improve the province’s long term care homes is a move that CLAC is regarding as a step in the right direction for the health and welfare of the sector’s residents and staff.

The proposed Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 would repeal the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, which would be replaced with the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021.

Highlights of the bill include a commitment of four hours of care per day, per resident; steps to strengthen the Residents’ Bill of Rights to align with the province’s Human Rights Code; the introduction of a review of the licensing process; and new compliance and enforcement tools, among other improvements.

“Our members are pleased to see the important move to four hours of care that is proposed in the legislation,” says Ian DeWaard, CLAC Ontario director. “Staff in long term care feel called to provide dignified support for their residents, but for too long they’ve been run off their feet and forced into unreasonable compromises.

“We also commend the minister for taking steps to ensure long term care operators measure up to the standards of care that seniors are due through better compliance and accountability measures.”

For full details regarding the government’s announcement, please visit their website.