
CLAC is committed to advocating for our members and all Canadian workers. Whether it's improving health and safety or working conditions, or fighting for fair compensation or freedom of association. Here are some of our current campaigns.


Running on Empty

Across Ontario, personal support workers (PSWs) in homecare are facing a difficult decision: visit their clients or be able to afford the necessities of life. The astronomic rise in gas prices has taken a toll on their bottom line. Most homecare employers reimburse mileage at a rate well below what would normally be sufficient. Join us in asking the government to provide a per-hour wage increase to these essential in-home healthcare workers. Our workers, our sick and elderly, and the economy depend on it.

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Memories Shouldn't Hurt

Did you know that 9.2 percent of Canadians will suffer from post-traumatic stress injuries (PTSI) in their lifetime? June 27 is PTSI Awareness Day. CLAC has supported a number of initiatives to raise awareness about PTSI and provide aid to those struggling. CLAC also provides mental health first aid training so that workers can recognize the signs of mental illness in others and themselves.

Day of Mourning

April 28 is the International Day of Mourning, a day to commemorate those whose lives have been forever changed by a workplace accident or illness. Let’s remember those we’ve lost and work safely for ourselves and those around us.

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We think differently than other unions.

We work to make your workplace a better place—so that you and your co-workers can grow both as a workplace community and as individuals.

Positive Work Life

We are a modern union. Committed to bringing you the best possible workplace.

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Champions of You

Count on us to always be on your side.

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Everyday Greatness

Better relationships at work create greater work satisfaction.

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