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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Innovative Leadership Training Program Now Offered Nationally!

CLAC’s Supervisor Micro-Certification Program (SMCP) is designed to help supervisors, forepersons, and lead hands become more effective workplace leaders

The program was created to address a national assessment of front-line supervisor training that CLAC Training conducted in 2021. That study showed

  • 94 percent of employers and supervisors said that a front-line leadership program focusing on soft skills is important or very important.
  • 74 percent of employers and supervisors said that communication and conflict resolution training are needed.
  • 53 percent of employers offer some supervisor training, but these courses are mostly designed to meet safety legislation or legal requirements. 

With funding help from the Ontario government, CLAC Training took this data and used it to create SMCP. Through a series of six core modules, participants will learn essential soft skills—such as communication, conflict management, teamwork, and more—geared to making them better team leaders. Each module is only 3.5 hours long. It is currently available in-person or by distance learning in Ontario and by distance learning in the other provinces. 

CLAC is also developing four more optional master learning modules, to be released in the coming months. Supervisors who take the training will learn how to improve communication on site and reduce conflict. By completing the program, participants will gain the tools they need to become people-centric leaders, creating a positive, safe, and productive workplace in a cost-effective and time-efficient way.

Interested? Go to to register. Please speak to your employer to arrange for your attendance.