Work and School
Going back to school while working is a great opportunity for professional development and a chance to upgrade your knowledge and skills
By Justine Van Bolhuis, Research Supervisor
Last September, I began a master’s program in labour relations. For me, it’s a return to the academic world 10 years after completing my undergrad, and this time I’m balancing my studies with full-time work on CLAC’s Research Team.
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, most of the program is online, but it does mean giving up some evenings and weekends to do the required readings, attend classes, and complete the assignments. And who doesn’t love group work?
With my winter term wrapping up, I’m up to my ears in final papers and presentations, squeezing in group meetings for final run-throughs, and trying to juggle all of that with my work and personal obligations. My brain is crammed full of academic studies and case law examples, and I think one of these days I’ll start saying the presentation scripts in my sleep.
Some days, especially as that final weekend creeps ever closer, it can get overwhelming. I need to take a step back and remind myself why I’m doing this in the midst of all the other busyness of life.
So why am I doing this? For one thing, I’ve always loved to learn—it’s exciting to dive deep into a topic and approach it from new angles.
In this program, I’m learning a lot from both my professors and my fellow master’s students, all of whom bring years of professional experience in the labour relations field to our class discussions. In turn, I hope to share my own insights from my own experience in labour relations research, bringing together my legal research knowledge with their practical experience.
Going back to school is also a great opportunity for professional development and a chance to upgrade my own knowledge and skills, not just for my own benefit, but so that I can share what I’m learning with others on my team and throughout the organization. Ultimately, I hope that the best practices and knowledge gained will enhance CLAC’s ability to serve members effectively and to the highest possible standard.
Maybe you’re in the same position, working your way through school while holding down one or more jobs. You might be upgrading your qualifications within your current field or getting a certificate or degree that will allow you to pursue a new career.
CLAC wants to support members and their families to attain their educational and career goals. So, if you or someone in your family (spouse, child, or grandchild) will be starting or continuing school in September, I encourage you to apply to the CLAC Scholarship Program for a chance to win $1,500 toward the cost of your studies.
The program is open for applications until midnight on June 14. Check out the website for full details.
When you get in the weeds with work and school, take a moment to step back and consider what you hope to gain from your studies, and what you’re already learning along the way. And as for me, it’s time to wrap this up and get back to the books.