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Monday, January 27, 2020

Welding Professional Development Days with CLAC Training

Helping educators remain current in their knowledge of the skilled trades

CLAC Training is running a series of free professional development days for secondary welding teachers at our Edmonton Training Facility. This event is sponsored by the CWB Foundation.

“Industry, government, and educators have been working to create better opportunities for youth to explore the skilled trades as a viable career option,” says Brad Bent, CLAC’s training director in Alberta.  “A big part of that starts with providing opportunities for their teachers. We recognize the limitation of professional development opportunities available to teachers for career and technology studies-related programs, which has inspired us to put on these sessions.”

Partnering with the CWB Foundation and offering professional development opportunities for local welding teachers is a small way that CLAC Training can work to raise the profile of the skilled trades.

“These teachers connect directly with Alberta’s youth, helping them explore new career possibilities and develop their aptitude for hands-on skills,” says Bent. “Because of this, we want to help ensure that our educators have the opportunity to remain current and relevant in their knowledge of the skilled trades as they mold our future workforce.”

Date: January 27-29, 2020

Time: 9 a.m.–3 p.m.

Location: CLAC Training Facility, 14920 11 Ave, Edmonton, AB.