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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Village on the Thames Service Employees Unanimously Ratify New Agreement

Chatham, ON—Last week, service workers employed by Chatham-based Village on the Thames unanimously voted in favour of a new three-year collective agreement that provides increases to wages, retirement, and in lieu of benefits, among other improvements.

The dietary aides, personal support workers, cooks, guest attendants, housekeeping aides, and laundry aides employed by the company have been represented by Southwestern Ontario Healthcare and Service Workers Union, CLAC Local 303, since 2011.

The workers will receive a two-percent wage increase in each year of the contract, in addition to an increase to employer retirement matching and shift premiums. Improvements to shift exchange language were also included.

“We are satisfied with the results of the latest round of negotiations, and the unanimous support of the voting members tells us that they are also happy with what we have achieved,” says Ryan Griffioen, CLAC representative. “These essential front-line workers have provided immeasurable support to the home’s residents throughout the course of the pandemic, and the increases we have secured are well deserved.”