Friday, December 8, 2023 Reflections Life marches on, sometimes faster than you might like. The holidays are a good opportunity to consider what changes, if any, you need to make Blogs Newsletters National By Jim Doornbos, Benefits and Retirement Director From my perspective, life has a way of speeding along and yet at points, time can feel like it is standing still. Over the past few months, I have found myself doing more reflecting than I would say I normally do. I’m not exactly sure why. Maybe, it’s because I’m getting older, and the reality of that is sinking in. Or maybe it’s because I’ve recently had a fair bit of “alone time” while travelling. I readily admit that I’m a person who has a very difficult time shutting my brain off, as the saying goes. So, to have spent more time than normal reflecting is new for me. My wife, Liz, and I have two children, Kaitlin and Tyler, both of whom have completed high school now, as Tyler graduated this past June and is now working while determining what his next steps will be. Kaitlin began her third year of postsecondary education this past September. It feels very much like our family has entered a new chapter of our lives, and at points I find myself wishing time would slow down a bit . . . maybe even revert to 10 years ago. I don’t generally view myself as someone who struggles with regret or living in the past, however, I will admit that reflecting has been healthy for me. We have so much to be thankful for, and simply watching the news and being aware of what is happening globally, domestically, and even locally reminds me how blessed we are. Liz and I often talk about finding the balance between living now while also being mindful of the future. We’ve found that it’s not always easy to know how best to achieve this balance. Connected to this, in a recent devotional I read, I was reminded that time is finite. We don’t know how much time we are given to live on this earth, yet it’s important to remember that we’re unable to gain additional time by anything we do. Once time is used, it’s gone. This brings me back to the concept of trying to achieve balance in life. I believe there’s good value in trying to live as balanced a life as possible. I admit that I don’t have it exactly right, and I’m not even sure if it’s possible. Each person is unique and different from the next. We do our best, though, and my reflections lately have been an opportunity for me to consider what changes, if any, I need to make. Life marches on, sometimes faster than you might like. I’d like to encourage you, if you’re interested, to personally reflect on where you’re at and whether there is anything you’d like to work on changing to create a better balance in your life. While this is not easy, it’s typically worth the effort involved. You might be interested in Define Your Role to Define Your Success 14 Feb 2025 Maplecrest Employees Secure Retroactive Wage Increases with New Two-Year Contract 13 Feb 2025 Liftsafe Engineering Employees Overwhelmingly Ratify New Agreement 11 Feb 2025 School Bus Drivers In Fort Nelson, BC, Unanimously Ratify New Contract 11 Feb 2025