Mental Health and Apprenticeship
/ Author: Kari-Anne March
/ Categories: Blogs, Sectors, Construction /
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Mental Health and Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships have been shown to provide job satisfaction but supporting workers’ overall well-being is an important facet of on-the-job happiness that needs more attention

As mental health and well-being become increasingly prevalent national topics, it is critical that we explore the impacts mental health has on our workforce. The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA) has released Apprentice Well-Being: An Apprentices in Canada ePanel Report, allowing industry to dive into the real-life responses of Canadian apprentices on their own experiences and the impact working in the trades has on their mental health and overall well-being.  

It is well-known that when people enjoy what they do, whether at work or at home, they are generally happier, which also impacts their workplace performance. CAF plainly states in its report: “Happiness at work is reflected in employee engagement, productivity, satisfaction, better performance ratings, higher salaries, and improved overall health.”


Most surveyed apprentices are happy with their trade, as an average of 75 percent responded positively to the following statements:

• I am generally happy with my trade.
• I cope well with everyday tasks.
• My trade is enjoyable and fulfilling.

Contrary to what industry stigma might surround the skilled trades industry, Canadian apprentices generally experience a significant level of job satisfaction. While there are many stressors that negatively impact Canadian apprentices’ mental health and well-being, there are also positive experiences to report.

A career in the skilled trades comes with many positive benefits to an individual’s well-being. Postsecondary education of any kind helps individuals gain meaningful employment and income as they work to earn a sense of purpose and stability. Beyond this, apprentices can form positive social connections through camaraderie with coworkers and find mentorship through apprentice-journeyperson relationships. Apprentices are also able to develop a sense of mastery and fulfillment through the development of essential skills. These are just some of the work-life experiences that apprentices can have that support their overall mental health and well-being.


Dissatisfaction within the trades has been primarily identified in the following areas, with less than 50 percent of respondents agreeing with the following statements:

• I get the support I need from school or my employer to work in the trades.
• My trade does not negatively impact my personal life.
• My trade does not interfere with my sleep.

Depending on the chosen profession, many apprentices struggle to maintain a positive work-life balance. While often well-paying positions, the unpredictable nature and high demands of some sectors require apprentices to work long hours and spend long periods of time away from home working on large sites with high employee turnover rates.

Beyond this, 42 percent of surveyed apprentices named financial and employment concerns as significant stressors. Given the unpredictable nature of the construction industry, some workers may struggle to find consistent or reliable employment.  

Twenty-four percent of surveyed apprentices also identified workplace bullying, harassment, or discrimination, generally based on gender, technical ability, race, sexual orientation, religion, age or education level, and physical characteristics, as a negative stressor on their overall well-being.


It is the responsibility of all industry stakeholders to support the mental health and overall well-being of Canadian apprentices. Although we do not have all the answers today, when we come together to discuss and, more importantly, to understand the good, the bad, and the downright ugly natures of our industry, we have the chance to pave the way to a better life for all Canadian apprentices and their families.

For the employer, supporting well-being aims to improve employee retention and productivity, promoting higher levels of engagement at work. For the apprentice, supporting well-being encourages a better home-life, a better work-life, better physical health, and feelings of happiness and self-worth. And for industry, well-being in our apprentices supports a better-connected industry with clearer goals and a better, happier work life for all.

To access the full Apprentice Well-Being: An Apprentices in Canada ePanel Report, visit the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum website.

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