Local 911 Celebrates 20 Years with CLAC!
Local 911 has had another successful year. Members met in July to attend the annual general meeting—the first in-person meeting in several years due to the pandemic. It was great to see everyone in person again!
This year also marked a milestone for Local 911 as it’s the 20-year anniversary since joining CLAC. Recognition plaques were given out by CLAC to all those members still in the local after 20 strong years serving their communities as volunteer firefighters. Look for a feature on the local in the December issue of the Guide, CLAC’s national magazine.
As the pandemic and lockdowns have now subsided, the need for recruitment has again picked up, with over 55 new recruits joining in 2022. Due to the growing rural areas, recruitment will be a heavy focus again going into the 2023 season.
Local 911 also participated in this year’s Canadian Fallen Firefighter memorial ride in September. A number of members cycled from Hamilton all the way to Ottawa to raise fund and awareness to all those firefighters whose lives have been lost in the line of duty.