Tuesday, February 20, 2024 Get Ready! WHMIS Changes Are Coming to Canada CLAC Training can help you stay up to date on the latest WHMIS legislation and upcoming changes Newsletters Alberta Local 56 Alberta Local 63 Alberta Local 301 BC Local 68 BC Local 501 BC Transportation Manitoba Local 152 Manitoba Local 306 Ontario Construction Ontario Emergency Services Ontario Healthcare Saskatchewan Local 151 In December 2022, Canada amended its Hazardous Product Regulations (HPR) to align with the seventh revised edition and certain provisions of the eighth edition of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). These amendments are designed to provide more comprehensive and detailed health and safety information on product labels and safety data sheets, which will provide better protection for you and your fellow members. When Will the Changes Take Effect? By December 2025, members, employers, and suppliers must transition to the new regulations. Some transition work has already started, and you should know how it impacts you and your workplace. What about WHMIS 2015? In 2015, WHMIS (1998) was updated to align with the fifth edition of the GHS, which has simply been known as WHMIS 2015. By December 2025, WHMIS 2015 will be transitioned out. Key Changes WHMIS 2015 will now be referred to as just WHMIS. For most workplaces, the most notable impacts of the transition to WHMIS will be • improved clarity and precision for certain provisions, • new information elements required on safety data sheets adoption of a new physical hazard class (Chemicals Under Pressure), and • adoption of a new hazard category for nonflammable aerosols and new subcategories for flammable gases. What about My Training? Members employed in every industry that uses, stores, or handles hazardous products will need to update their training programs to help you learn and understand the new WHMIS changes. Since 2015, CLAC Training has supported the delivery training of tens of thousands of members across Canada, and in multiple sectors, with our WHMIS 2015 eLearning, refresher, and in-class programs. Please note that CLAC Training is currently working with our program developer and subject matter experts in the industry to update our WHMIS 2015 course to meet the new regulations. We expect to have delivery of a new WHMIS course this year for you and your fellow members to take. We will also look for opportunities to provide an update module for those of you who have already taken the CLAC WHMIS 2015 course. Stay tuned for further updates! Cost As with WHMIS 2015, WHMIS will continue to be offered at no charge to members if your employer participates in a CLAC training fund. Employer Obligations Workplace hazardous products obligations for employers are set out in federal, provincial, and territorial occupational health and safety legislation. For information on how each jurisdiction is handling the transition period, and how employers can update their health and safety procedures accordingly, contact the appropriate federal, provincial, or territorial occupational health and safety regulatory agency. Transition Period Suppliers have until December 14, 2025, to bring their safety data sheets and labels into compliance with the amended regulations. During this transition period, regulated parties can choose to comply with either the former HPR or the amended HPR, but not both. The hazard classification, safety data sheet, and label of a hazardous product must be fully compliant with the version of the regulation chosen. Learn More! Information on the full breakdown of the changes and a comparison with WHMIS 2015 is available from Health Canada. Please consult your local health and safety authority, employer, or Joint Health and Safety Committee. You can also sign up to be notified when Health Canada publishes new WHMIS updates by simply emailing whmis-simdut@hc-sc.gc.ca. You might be interested in Define Your Role to Define Your Success 14 Feb 2025 Maplecrest Employees Secure Retroactive Wage Increases with New Two-Year Contract 13 Feb 2025 Liftsafe Engineering Employees Overwhelmingly Ratify New Agreement 11 Feb 2025 School Bus Drivers In Fort Nelson, BC, Unanimously Ratify New Contract 11 Feb 2025