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Friday, March 24, 2023

First Contract Secured for Newcon Electricians

Milton, ON—A first collective agreement has been secured for electricians employed by Milton-based Newcon Electric Inc.

The settlement was negotiated by their union, Construction Workers Union, CLAC Local 52. Terms of the settlement take effect March 26, 2023, and continue until February 2026. CLAC Local 52 was certified as the union for the employees by the Ontario Labour Relations Board in June 2022.

The three-year contract establishes a full spectrum of union benefits for the employees including scheduled wage increases, improved healthcare benefits, and contributions to a pension plan. Other notable aspects include vacation pay increases, paid work time for attendance at health and safety training courses, and an improved annual workwear and safety footwear allowance.

“We’re pleased to deliver this strong settlement for our newest members,” says Roger Grootenboer, CLAC representative. “In this period of swirling economic turbulence, the settlement terms provide exactly the security and compensation that these members were looking for—excellent wages, strong healthcare benefits, and a pension plan they can trust.”