CLAC Stewards: Good, Better, Best!
CLAC is proud of the hundreds of stewards who work tirelessly on behalf of its members across the Prairies.
By Dennis Perrin, Prairies Director
On any given day, hundreds of stewards in CLAC workplaces advocate effectively on behalf of their members. The work of a steward often goes unnoticed, whether it be resolving difficult disputes; assisting in the negotiations of collective agreements; connecting members to their training, benefits, and retirement plans; or putting them in touch with the appropriate CLAC staff to help them along. These individuals are often the eyes, ears, and voice of the union, and CLAC could never be as effective as it is without them.
Steward Education
All the work stewards do is supported by a large team of CLAC staff throughout the Prairies. Jon Heinen, Prairies member education coordinator, ensures stewards have the resources they need to be the best advocates possible for members. As a result, CLAC members are among the best at their job in the Canadian labour scene.
CLAC’s education and support system for stewards is vast and includes an annual stewards conference. This past April, over 200 stewards from Alberta and Saskatchewan came together in Jasper, Alberta, to learn and to be supported by one another. Sessions included updates on benefits, retirement, and training; supports for those with alcohol and drug dependencies; and how to handle discipline matters. Stewards were further equipped to unlock their leadership potential, all the while sharing information on the challenges they face.
In early May, 35 stewards gathered for two days in Winnipeg at the Manitoba stewards conference for support and education. Attendees enjoyed seminars on mental health, dealing with harassment at work, workplace discipline and the union grievance process, and understanding your benefits, retirement, and training.
Skills Training
Throughout the Prairies, we continue to provide innovative solutions to assist in the ever-increasing skills shortage. In Saskatchewan, the CLAC Training Team partnered with the Touchwood Agency Tribal Council preemployment support program, comprised of Kawacatoose First Nation, Day Star First Nation, George Gordon First Nation, and Muskowekwan First Nation in the completion of renovations to the Training and Employment Centre. Students representing all four communities participated as part of the Introduction to Construction Craft Labourer/Concrete Forming Program. This valuable program gives these individuals the skills to successfully launch into a career in the skilled trades.
Whether it’s steward education, skills training, apprenticeship learning, or other types of skill advancement, CLAC in the Prairies is constantly upping its game for the betterment of members.
Good, better, best, they say . . . let it never rest!