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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Amendment to Allow Single-use Plastic Shopping Bags Welcomed by Grocery Store Workers

Fort McMurray, AB—CLAC Local 301 applauds Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo City Council members for their quick action in amending the current city bylaw to allow single-use plastic shopping bags.

“Temporarily reinstating the single-use shopping bags in the city serves as a mitigating measure to protect our members working in grocery stores so they can remain healthy and continue to provide an essential service to residents,” says Katherine Ziolecki, CLAC field representative in Fort McMurray. “They are providing critical services to our community, putting themselves on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

CLAC Local 301 represents over 4,000 grocery store employees working at Save-On-Foods stores across Alberta.

“There has been growing and urgent concern among our members over the potential health and safety risks associated with reusable shopping bags during this outbreak,” says Ziolecki. “These workers are committed to ensuring our community has access to food supplies, and in turn, we must do everything we can to make their safety and comfort a priority. We’re pleased that city council took immediate action in addressing the concerns of grocery store workers.”