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Joint Health and Safety Committee - Part 1

Distance Learning*

Participants will become familiar with a wide range of workplace hazards, learning how to recognize, assess, control, and evaluate any potential hazards that they may encounter in the workplace. The course includes an introduction to occupational health and safety legislation; introduction to occupational health and safety resources; rights, duties, and roles of workplace parties including JHSC members; powers of the certified member; introduction to recognize, assess, control, and evaluate (RACE) system of hazard management; and communication. Upon completion of this course the participant should be able to:

  • Identify occupational health and safety legislation, demonstrate how to access information from it, and explain the basic rights, responsibilities, and training requirements
  • Describe the purpose, legal requirements for, and rights, duties, and function of JHSCs and describe how a functioning JHSC works
  • Describe the categories of hazards and the basic process of recognizing, assessing, and controlling hazards, and evaluating the hazard controls
  • Explain hazard recognition and the process for workplace inspections and identify the legal requirements
  • State the requirements for, and describe the processes for, reporting and investigating fatalities, critical injuries, work refusals, and complaints of dangerous circumstances
  • Review and understand the legislative requirements for access to occupational health and safety information and demonstrate how to access typical sources of occupational health and safety information

This course is offered on an online platform with a live instructor at the times listed below.

Expiry: 1 year

Duration: 24 hours (3 days)

Member Price: $0

Non-Member/Public Price: $475

* Distance learning is an online session in front of a live instructor.


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