Wanted: Nominations for the Local 301 Board
The terms of two board members will expire on December 31, 2017. The board invites you to submit names of possible nominees. From these suggestions, the board will develop a final slate of nominees for election.
A nominee must
- be a member in good standing in Local 301,
- be willing to serve if elected,
- be qualified to give leadership that is in harmony with the constitution, and
- not act in manner that might reflect unfavourably on CLAC.
(Article 8.07, Local 301 Constitution)
Names of possible nominees should be sent to the Local 301 Board, care of the Edmonton Member Centre.
Nomination forms are available from your representative.
Deadline for nominations: On or before noon, November 20, 2017.
On behalf of the local board, Lee Anne Stetson, President, CLAC Local 301