Local BBQs
/ Author: Alison Brown
/ Categories: Locals, Local 302, Newsletters /
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Local BBQs

Local 305

Each summer, the Local 305 Board hosts a BBQ at one or two workplaces. This year, the board was excited to spend an afternoon at Riviera Retirement Lodge in Caledonia.

The home is a small one, located in the heart of Caledonia, with a beautiful courtyard perfect for hosting a BBQ.

Both staff on shift, and those off shift (along with family members and kids) stopped by to enjoy food, CLAC swag, and participate in the prize raffle.

Thank you Riviera for your gracious hosting, and your friendly workplace atmosphere!

Local 302

Local 302 hosted their annual summer BBQ at United Mennonite Home for the Aged in Vineland.

Each year, the Local hosts members from facilities in the Niagara and Halton regions, celebrating the hard work of our members!

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