Local 920 Update - Summer 2017
/ Author: Jennifer Kennedy
/ Categories: Locals, Local 920, Newsletters /
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Local 920 Update - Summer 2017

Local 920 held a board meeting and annual general meeting on April 29, 2017, in Cambridge. The board had been asked to provide feedback on the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services’ Fire Safety Technical Panel. In particular, the board discussed how the ministry can play a role in setting more consistent training standards and other ways to support the modernization of fire services. Training standards across Ontario vary in scope and scale. Local 920 is currently doing a cross-province comparison to best align its position on the right amount of training without setting unattainable goals.

The board discussed posttraumatic stress disorder under the Supporting Ontario’s First Responders Act, 2016. The members discussed the support systems in each department and committed to help reduce the stigma associated with PTSD through dialogue and creating education campaigns to identify the signs and symptoms and ways to seek help. The PTSD Association of Canada has several checklists that may be helpful in identifying symptoms related to PTSD at ptsdassociation.com/assessment. 

The board heard updates from each of the stations and the challenges and successes they have endured. New bargaining strategies were also discussed and encouraged for units entering into a bargaining season. 

Highlights of the meeting included updates on the success of our Sudbury members in garnering public support to stop the closure of nine stations and the elimination of over 100 volunteer positions. The board also heard about how our local assisted the volunteers of Wainfleet

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