CLAC in the Community
/ Author: CLAC Staff
/ Categories: Newsletters /
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CLAC in the Community

The CLAC Saskatchewan Team attends various community events. Here are a couple we attended this June.


Saskatoon Skills and Trades Community BBQ

 CLAC Saskatoon staff assisted with the Saskatoon Trades & Skills (STSC) annual community barbecue this past June. It was a great opportunity to connect with residents and CLAC members of the Saskatoon community. The STSC provides skills training in a variety of trades ranging from construction craft labourer to cooking!


Catholic School Board Career Fair

Over 1,200 students visited the CLAC booth at the Regina Catholic School Board Career Fair. There was a lot of interaction with the excavator simulators and great conversations about the opportunities that a career in the trades can bring.


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