Don’t Make the Rookie Mistake

31 May 2022

Don’t Make the Rookie Mistake

Inexperienced workers are more likely to be involved in workplace accidents. If you see a worker in a hazardous situation, speak up. You may be...
Evolution of the Trades

30 May 2022

Evolution of the Trades

The world of work is rapidly changing, and that includes the construction industry. Gone are the days of wearing shorts and sneakers on site or...
Fighting for Members' Livelihoods

26 May 2022

Fighting for Members' Livelihoods

Burlington, ON—Front-line staff at Brant Centre Long Term Care Facility, who are members of Niagara Health and Service Workers Union, CLAC Local 302, have not been able to rely on a consistent schedule or trust that their pay stubs are correct for more than three months.
The Boom Continues in BC

26 May 2022

The Boom Continues in BC

Over 20,000 members . . . and growing. To say things are booming in BC may be an understatement. Here’s a look at what these members have been up to.

